Easy Stuffed Felt Snowflake Ornament Craft

If you want to personalize your Christmas gifts a bit more or are just looking for an easy last minute holiday craft, these little felt ornaments are the perfect one to try. 

All you need is felt, needle & string, and stuffing.

These are the perfect activity to do while watching a Christmas movie or having a holiday crafty evening and I love that mistakes don’t really matter since they are meant to look homemade.

There are so many other fun shapes you can make besides snowflakes like stars or angels or trees, and I think the muted tones are giving west elm but i’ve seen some really fun similar ones on pinterest with beads, sequins or brighter colored string. 


  1. Cut out the shape you want on 2 pieces of felt — I followed a YouTube tutorial for an 8 point star for this one and cut it on paper first to make it easier

  2. Stitch your design using yarn or embroidery thread. There’s no one right way, but what I did for most of the design is start with a knot inside (on the back of the top layer), and then after stitch #1, I would bring the needle up through each prior stitch so that the lines would overlap instead of having gaps between them. Don’t overthink it and just have fun playing with designs because it’s really easy even if you haven’t sewn or embroidered before!

  3. Once you’ve finished your design, place the top felt piece on top of the second piece. Tie a knot in your thread and start it on the “inside” again aka the back of the top piece. Then just stitch the two pieces together from bottom to top for each stitch.

  4. When you get close to the end, leave an opening to fill it with stuffing. I used Polyfil from Michaels.

  5. Once it is stuffed, finish up your stitching. If you don’t have enough thread to finish, you can always tie a knot inside and start again with a new piece of thread.

  6. Use the leftover thread to tie the ornament hanger — leave a loop at the end and tie a knot around it right at the tip of the ornament. I tied the knot three times to make sure it’s secure. Then cut off the excess string.

  7. All done! Add it to a gift to personalize it or hang it on the tree. Play around with other shapes, adding beads, sequins, puff paint, or whatever you want!

Here is a video in case you are a visual learner!

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