We just got back from two weeks in the Philippines (took us 28 hours to travel each way!), and I've finally had some time to recover from jet lag and look through all of our photos. I've always heard the Philippines are amazing for tropical photos, so I was really looking forward to the Baja Kubos and Palm Tree sunsets.

If you follow me / watch my stories on Instagram, you've already seen many of these photos, but wanted to take a couple posts to put them all together for a big "review" of the trip and to link to some of the things I brought along in case you're up for some spring shopping:

We flew from LA to Seoul to Manila (18 hours total in the air, which was a challenge for my fear of flying! See Anti Stress Coloring Book), drove to my husband's mom's mom's sister's daughter's house (is that my "first-cousin-once-removed-in-law?"), ate a big meal and went right to sleep! We were exhausted.

On Day 2 we just slept in and got to know the relatives -- which were more than I could count -- so we could store up some energy for the adventures ahead!

from left to right: sister-in-law, "aunt," myself, brother-in-law, mother-in-law, "aunt," "aunt," grandmother-in-law



Part 2 with photos from waterfalls and resorts coming soon :)