Most of you know it's been on my bucket list for quite some time to visit the Carlsbad Flower Fields. Even before I moved to California, I saw pictures and I knew I had to go there. But until this year, I always missed the time frame of their bloom and thus the anticipation of seeing them has grown higher and higher! So, when we decided on a last-minute whim to drive down there on Easter Sunday, I started to get a little nervous that my expectations were way too high for some little filed of flowers that would probably be crowded with tourists.

Well... leave it to say, I was not disappointed. My expectations were rightfully high because it was so breathtaking! The fields are massive, which I didn't realize, so there were plenty of spaces for photos without interruption from other tourists, and the place was well organize with a couple other fun things to do. Think of it like the spring version of visiting an Apple Orchard. 

The fields close on May 14th, so there's still a little bit of time to go see them. It does cost $14 for adults, but if you are a fellow flower child, it will be your dream land. More information is online here.