Everything You Need To Know About Cleaning Your House


If there’s one thing I’ve learned about adulting since I graduated 5 years ago, it’s that keeping a house clean is no joke. I wanted someone to just give me a clear handbook: what products do I need, how do I use them, and oh— bleach mixed with vinegar can kill me?— good to know. I turned to my friend Evita Horne (you’ve seen her name before because she is my hair stylist!) who, it turns out, is a cleaning queen and was able to answer all of my questions:


JULIE: What are the top basic cleaning products everyone should have on hand for normal house maintenance?


  1. Bleach

  2. Lysol or Clorox Wipes (for sanitizing highly touched areas and surfaces)

  3. Magic Erasers (they really are magic :))

  4. SOS Pads (soap-filled steel wool)

  5. Windex + Newspaper (The most foolproof combo for streak free mirrors and glass surfaces)

  6. Comet (for bathtubs)

  7. Dish Washing Liquid (for dishes, obviously LOL, and also added to other cleaning solutions) 

  8. Pinesol + Mop or Swiffer wet jet (for floors)

  9. Baking soda and White Vinegar (for cleaning stoves and ovens)

  10. Plastic Gloves

JULIE: What are products that should never be mixed?

EVITA: As a rule of thumb, bleach should basically not be mixed with anything but water. But the mostly deadly combinations that should NEVER be mixed are bleach and ammonia, bleach and rubbing alcohol, and bleach and vinegar!


JULIE: Any tips for diy cleaners that don’t smell like vinegar?

EVITA: You can make DIY Bleach wipes to mimic Clorox Wipes, I had to get extra creative during this pandemic! Get a plastic container with a lid (like a Foldger’s coffee container or anything that size) and poke a hole in the lid.  Remove the center cardboard roll from the middle of a paper towel roll and cut down the paper towels to be able to fit into the plastic container with the lid closed. Mix 1 quart of water with 4 tsp of Clorox and pour in the container. Let the solution sit and absorb into the paper towels.  Feed the paper through the hole in the lid and VOILA homemade Clorox wipes. 

JULIE: Favorite products for hard to clean areas like gross shower, tile countertops/floors, etc?

EVITA: SOS pads (steel wool) are life saver for scrubbing hard to clean grime off of tubs and countertops. I even use them for dishes like cast iron pans and sheet pans that are hard to scrub and have baked on food etc. on them.

JULIE: Tips or product recs for hard to reach areas like cob webby ceilings?

EVITA: A washable Microfiber Duster is amazing for cob webby ceilings, cleaning out air filter vents, and blinds and slatted doors. Get one with an extendable handle to make your life easier for high ceilings, on top of the fridge, high shelves etc. Or a step stool will work too! 

JULIE: Have you found any natural products that still work well?

EVITA: Luckily there’re SOOO many natural and eco-friendly brands of cleaning supplies on the market now! Sprouts Farmers Market and Whole Foods carry the “Seventh Generation” brand, which has a whole range of “green” cleaning supplies and laundry detergents. The only downside with more eco friendly products is the price point is going to be higher and they also are sometimes not as potent and effective as the old school, real deal stuff. 


JULIE: Any tips for staying on top of cleaning with a busy schedule?

EVITA: Definitely get into the habit of doing small, mini cleaning session every single day. And then schedule out “deep cleaning” days for 1-2 times are month. If you make cleaning a habit and stay on top of things and never let the mess get too out of control, then cleaning doesn’t seem too bad and it’s fast and easy. One of my golden rules is never go to sleep with dirty dishes in the sink! I swear you will be thankful when you wake up to a clean kitchen and knowing you don’t have to deal with mess in the morning. I truly believe your surroundings dictate your mood and mental health. If you live in a messy, dirty, unorganized environment, your mind is more likely to feel overloaded and chaotic which will trickle into other areas in your life. If you create a serene, peaceful, organized living space it sets the tone for your mood and productivity! 

JULIE: Any tips or fav products for organizing cleaning products? 

EVITA: I like to store cleaning supplies in stackable clear containers under the sink or in a utility closet. I also take everything out of boxes and packaging, i.e. sponges, SOS pads etc. and transfer them to clear storage bags. This way everything is visible and you know what you are out of etc. 

JULIE: any other tips or recommendations?

EVITA: As stated before, we are products of our environments so the importance of keeping a clean living space goes beyond just cleaning. Set small, mini goals for yourself and keep yourself accountable. Pretty soon all the small stuff will become habits, just like brushing your teeth, and you won’t even think twice about it! 


Evita is also a food blogger and nutrition coach! Check out her site here.