27. Tips for confidently launching a new project and BTS of my new YouTube show


Today is a solo episode with yours truly with some behind the scenes on my new YouTube show and my thought process/strategy around launching something new. I thought it might be interesting to share because this is an area I’ve grown so much in over the last few years, and I think launching something new like a project you’re really passionate about can be kind of overwhelming or at least can feel pretty vulnerable, and I feel like this can apply even to things like starting a new job or life transition or anything new and big that you’re sharing with others. I used to rely a lot more on hype and my own energy to get things done and I used to feel more pressure for launches to go really well and I think some things I’ve learned in the last few years have helped all of that feel a little less intimidating, and also helped me start to become more consistent in my online content as well instead of going back and forth between full steam ahead and burnout all the time. Now it’s more of a slow consistent drip.

Anyways I hope you find this episode encouraging if you’re releasing something new into the world or taking on a big project and have some nerves, have found launches in the past to not be as successful as you hoped, or if you’re just curious about the behind the scenes of my newest project, Really Pretty Good, the show, on YouTube.


The Really Pretty Good Show

The Perfectionism Project