72. Postpartum Experience: Mom Guilt, Physical Recovery, Sleep Training

Welcome back to really pretty good podcast! I am so happy to finally be starting Season 3 after such a long time off, I think about 6 months off. I’ve been missing it and eager to come back but as most of you know I had a baby at the beginning of this year and so I’ve been adjusting to the huge life change and until now have felt pretty much in survival mode or like I just really needed to focus on learning how to be a mom.

But I think I’m finally feeling a little bit more settled into the new life and a little bit more able to think about creative things again so I’m happy to be back to share more! And on that note I thought the perfect way to come back would be to update you on the last 6 months and share some of my postpartum experience. We left off on quite a lot of motherhood topics while I was pregnant so we are picking that back up for now but throughout this season I do plan to share a mix of both personal, motherhood journey and also some creative thoughts and commentaries on creative things happening in culture like fashion shows and trends and our usual stuff.

So before I get too chatty let’s dive right into postpartum. I am planning to make this a 2 part series because as I was planning I realized I have so much to say about our breastfeeding journey that it’ll be better to make that it’s own episode for those who are interested. So in this episode I’ll focus mainly on the physical recovery, emotional and identity part of postpartum, and touch on our experience with sleep and sleep training! 

So without further ado, I give thee, The first six months of my postpartum experience.