My Renter-Friendly Bedroom Transformation

So glad to finally say I’m “done” with my bedroom renovation 4 years later! I wanted to spread the project out so that I could stretch my budget a little more over time and take my time getting to just the right look. I wanted something that felt extremely peaceful and clean, and something that was easy to keep looking that way all the time: a little oasis in my house!

before with script.png

The entire room cost around $1,000 total to transform.

Scroll all the way to the bottom for links to everything I purchased and to blog posts that go into detail on all the DIYs!

There are lots of details to share, but I’ve already made blog posts on most of them, so, in case you missed them:

Some of items in this room were thrifted or DIY, but here are links to the things I purchased that are still available: